Manufactured Home Loans Are a Dying Breed

Released on = June 2, 2006, 5:53 pm

Press Release Author = Maurice Bedard

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = How to obtain a mortgage for a manufactured home in today\'s

Press Release Body = Corona, Ca. (PRWeb) June 2, 2006

Obtaining a mortgage for a manufactured home today is much more difficult than in
the past. Many homeowners and prospective buyers are experiencing tough times due to
the higher rates and tougher criteria imposed on the conditions of the loan they are
seeking to get.

Over the past year most all the lenders that were lending on manufactured homes have
stopped financing these properties all together, leaving homeowners with little
avenues to refinance their current loan that may be a high rate or to get cash out.
To put it quite simply, homeowners and buyers are stuck in a creek without a paddle.

I realized this trend and have researched the internet and have made hundreds of
calls to lenders to find who will still lend on manufactured homes. The facts are
dismal. Out of thousands of lenders and banks in the country, there are only about
10-15 who will provide these loans. Where does that leave the owners and buyers of
these homes? It leaves them with little options and many times they can't locate
these lenders due to the time involved in finding them. Much like finding a needle
in a hay stack.

The first thing that a homeowner or buyer needs to do is find a loan officer who
"specializes in manufactured homes." Most loan officers never even have performed a
manufactured home loan and have no idea what they are doing because of the different
criteria's expected to close these loans. Don't forget they are salesman and they
will most likely say, "I can do it, no problem." 30 days later, you paid the
appraisal and your loan is still going nowhere. Many times the homeowner is told not
to make their mortgage payment and now they are 30 days late.

Often times you can get a great rate from the bank but your stuck to one loan
program, so maybe finding a loan broker who has several loan sources for
manufactured homes is the best choice. If you're self employed, you may need a
stated income loan or loan that uses bank statements to qualify for income? You may
have a FICO score of 500 and most banks wouldn't touch you but an experienced
professional can find you a loan if you have sufficient equity.

In closing, obtaining a mortgage for a manufactured home can be very difficult but
it's not impossible. Persistence and education will always win in the end!

Web Site =

Contact Details = Maurice Bedard
Manufactured Home Loan Pro

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